Busting your Back this Summer?


Hello Everyone in Calgary!

I hope all of you are making the most out of this amazing weather!

I love coming in to the clinic and listening to all my patient’s stories of their adventures over the weekend, it joys me too see everyone active and avoiding the couch-potato lifestyle.
This past week I noticed a trend of many patient’s biking or going to spin classes regularly which has prompted me to do this week’s newsletter on How to avoid low back pain while biking!

While Biking can be a great mode of exercise, it can be equally as harmful (if proper precautions are not taken).

Many of you may have already heard of the quote “sitting is the new smoking” yet many of us choose to bike (another mode of sitting)
for our main exercise. For my patients who are sitting at a desk for the majority of the day I recommend other methods of exercise like running, swimming,
BURST training, yoga and etc. because I want them to change position from mostly sitting.
Now if you have already chosen biking/cycling that’s perfectly fine because it is an excellent way to keep in shape and enjoy the outdoors,
BUT it is no fun at all if you are experiencing back discomfort. There can be various reasons as to why you are experiencing
discomfort while cycling for example: pre-existing back injuries, poor posture, wrong sizing of bicycle etc.
Often there are simple adjustments you can make to keep riding easy and injury free, and especially to avoid progressing an existing injury.

Here are some helpful tips:

1. Take it easy: If you are training for a race or trying to challenge your personal goals remember to take breaks, hydrate and stretch! Click Here for various stretches and exercises .

2. Finding the right fit: whether you are touring, road racing or all -terrain where is a bike out there specific to your needs!

What terrain will you be on? How long distance will you be riding? Are you looking for speed or comfort? When you are buying a new bike, or take yours in for maintenance, ask to have your bike fitted specific to your frame!
3. Core strength: It is vital to have proper conditioned abdominal and back muscles to support your upper body and more importantly
minimize excessive sway back! Ask any of your doctors here at Full Potential Chiropractic for helpful postural adaptations you can make.
4. Posture: While riding keep a neutral spine by hinging at your hipsand avoiding the “hunch” in upper back.

If possible avoid too much movement from your upper body and use your back as a fulcrum instead!
5. Adjust your bike to your frame: minor adjustments can go a long way. Different styles of bikes require